Superseded planning schemes

Clarence Interim Planning Scheme 2015 (applicable to valid applications made prior to the 8th September 2021)

Can be accessed here.

The Clarence draft LPS

The exhibited Clarence draft LPS and associated documentation can be accessed from the Your Say Clarence portal:

Council considered the merits of the representations received at is special meeting on 26 August 2020.  The Section 35F Report can be accessed here: the associated minutes here:

The LPS documentation, directions, supplementary submissions and assessment can be accessed on the Tasmanian Planning Commission Website (see LPS-CLA-TPS):

A copy of the Commission’s Decision can be accessed here:

Clarence Planning Scheme 2007

The Clarence Planning Scheme 2007 has now been replaced by the Clarence Interim Planning Scheme 2015.

The Clarence Planning Scheme 2007 superceded three former planning schemes – Eastern Shore Planning Scheme 1963, Eastern Shore (Area 2) Planning Scheme 1986 and Richmond Planing Scheme 1993.

Clarence Planning Scheme 2007 Overlay Plans

Prior to 2 April 2008 there were three planning schemes, each covering a different area of Clarence. The Clarence Planning Scheme 2007 replaces these three former planning schemes. These planning schemes ceased to operate on 1 April 2008 but are available to download below.

Eastern Shore Planning Scheme 1963 – Last updated on 30 April 2007:

Eastern Shore (Area 2) Planning Scheme 1986 – Last updated on 31 January 2008:

Richmond Planning Scheme 1993 – Last updated on 21 November 2006: