Nature Strips

Nature Strips are a valuable asset along council’s road network. They provide a corridor for various overhead and underground services, enriched visual amenity, space for water sensitive urban design features, street trees, footpaths and other public amenities.

Clarence has a wide variety of Nature Strips where landscaping is unique and creative. Council is generally supportive of altered landscaping and has produced a set of Nature Strip Guidelines to provide understanding on how these areas can be maintained.

Council does not maintain Nature Strips in urban areas as this is the responsibility of the adjacent Property Owner. The maintenance of rural road verges by council is limited to annual slashing.

Council is responsible for the maintenance of established street trees and the removal of declared weeds within Nature Strips. If there is an issue with a Nature Strip tree (e.g. obstruction or safety concern) please report the concern to council via email or phone 03 6217 9500.

Council can also assist the elderly and infirm with twice annual mowing of nature strips. To find out more, call 03 6217 9500 or fill in the online application for mowing of nature strip form.

Many minor landscaping works within a Nature Strip are exempt from requiring an official permit. A comprehensive list of what works are permissible is contained within the Nature Strip Guidelines. However, if such works include excavation or may impact traffic in any way, you must complete and submit an application to undertake works in or affecting a highway form.

Nature Strip Guidelines

View here

Find out more

Application for mowing of nature strip

For service details and application form

Click here

Application to undertake works in or affecting a highway

Download the form here

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