Does your swimming pool or spa hold a depth of water of 300mm (30cm) or more?

Was it installed from 1994 onwards?

If your answer to yes to either of the above, you must install a permanent pool safety barrier (fencing) around your pool/spa. This fencing needs to comply with the Australian Standards, National Construction Code & Building Act 2016.

This work involves the following suitably qualified persons to be engaged to ensure the above standards have been met:

  • Draftsman/ Architect
  • Building Surveyor
  • Licensed Builder



Before installing a swimming pool/spa, inflating a blow-up pool or spa and/or erecting related safety fencing, please contact the Clarence City Council Building & Plumbing Department on 6217 9580 to discuss the approval process.

Approvals must be obtained from the Clarence City Council for the installation and set-up of pools and spas. This relates to both Building and Plumbing Applications.

For further detailed information, please refer to the CBOS Staying Safe around pools and spas, Installing pool safety barriers fact sheet here.


Inflatable and Relocatable Pools

If you have purchased an inflatable or relocatable pool from a retail store, you are not exempt from the above.

If the Inflatable and Relocatable Pool holds a depth of water of 300mm (30cm) or more, you are still required to install a safety barrier in accordance with the Australian Standards, National Construction Code & Building Act 2016.


Plumbing Approval

Prior to installing a swimming pool/spa, a Plumbing Approval is required to be granted by council in accordance with Part 8, Section 81 of the Building Regulations 2016.

Please contact councils’ Plumbing Department on 6217 9580 who will be pleased to advise on the appropriate approval required.

The following information is required to be submitted to support a Plumbing Application:

  • Form 3 Application for Plumbing Approval. Link to CBOS approved forms below:,-publications-and-reports

  • Form 35 Certificate of Responsible Designer
  • Drainage Plan to show where the swimming pool/spa will be discharged to when emptied e.g. stormwater, sewer.
  • Detail regarding what type of filtration system is being installed in the swimming pool/spa e.g. sand filter, cartridge filter.

All applications for lodgement can be submitted to