Special Committees of Council

Management committees are appointed as Special Committees of Council under the provisions of Section 24 of the Local Government Act 1993.

With the exception of appointments made by the council under any other Act, all councillor representative appointments of the council on boards, authorities, special committees, community committees and outside bodies expire at the first council meeting following every ordinary council election. At the first council meeting following every ordinary council election the council elects its representatives, to fill the expired terms.

Excluding council representatives, appointments to the management committees are made at a committee’s annual general meeting.

Annual general meetings are held between 1 September and 15 December each year on a date determined by the respective committee.

For more information on a committee’s annual general meeting, email us at Clarence@ccc.tas.gov.au


Review of Special Committees of Council

Council has, over recent months, undertaken a review of the structure and operations of its special committees.  The primary aim of this review was to improve the alignment of committees with council’s key strategies in order to increase capacity to impact outcomes at a strategic level.

In developing a new structure, council wanted to ensure we did not diminish community input and voice, that we continued to build community capacity, and to optimise resourcing.

At its meeting on 24 April 2023, council adopted a revised structure that established five new special committees, disbanded some committees, and re-established others to form working groups.  Each of the new committees has responsibility for aligning functions and objectives to the key priorities outlined in the relevant strategy.


New Special Committees

Active Living Advisory Committee

  • Strategy alignment – Active Living Strategy

Community Wellbeing Advisory Committee

  • Strategy alignment – Community Wellbeing Strategy

Cultural Creative Advisory Committee

  • Strategy alignment – Cultural Creative Strategy

City Development Advisory Committee

  • Strategy alignment – City Future Strategy, Community Infrastructure Strategy and Digital Strategy

Sustainability Advisory Committee

  • Strategy alignment – Sustainability Strategy


Council Established Standing Working Groups

Council has also established a number of standing working groups to operate across specialist interest areas.  Committees will have the capacity to establish additional standing or short-term working groups to support delivery of a particular project, or where subject matter experts may be required.


Bicycle Advisory Working Group

The purpose of this working group is to provide advice and recommendations to council, through the City Development Advisory Committee, in relation to bicycle-related issues and strategies that aim to improve bicycle use and management within the city.


Disability Access and Inclusion Working Group

This working group is established to provide advice and recommendations to council, through the City Development Advisory Committee, on issues that may arise regarding the access to council services, functions and facilities for people with disabilities and their associates.


LGBTQIA+ Working Group

This working group is established to investigate and report on the experiences and issues experienced by lesbian, gay, bi+, trans, gender diverse, non-binary, intersex, queer, asexual and aromantic (LGBTQIA+) people and their families in regard to genuine inclusion in our communities.


Positive Aging Working Group

The purpose of this working group is to provide advice and recommendations to council, through the Community Wellbeing Advisory Committee in implementing the actions of the Age Friendly Clarence Plan.


Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) Working Group

The Purpose of the Working Group is to oversee the development and implementation of the RAP and the quality of governance in the partnership between council, Reconciliation Tasmania and members of both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and Non-Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and stakeholders within its municipality, particularly the Mumirimina people.


Tracks and Trails Working Group

The purpose of this working group is to provide advice and recommendations to council, through the City Development Advisory Committee, on the development, maintenance and promotion of tracks and trails throughout the city and to facilitate and provide guidance for the implementation of the council’s adopted Tracks and Trails Strategy.


Youth Working Group

The purpose of this working group is to give young people the chance to have a say on local issues, as well support development of team building and communications skills, and learn the workings of local government.


Management of facilities

Council’s facilities are either managed directly by council or managed/supported by a volunteer committee. Management/advisory committees of facilities operate under constitutions adopted by council for the purpose of managing the centres and assisting and advising council in the use and operation of the centres.

The Lindisfarne Community Activities Centre and the Risdon Vale Community Centre are managed and operated directly by council.

A list of management/advisory committees of facilities are included below.


Geilston Bay Community Centre Management Committee

The committee is made of five community members and one councillor.


Howrah Community Centre Advisory Committee

The committee is made up of one member from each affiliated organisation, one member from the centre members’ group, one member from the users group, a councillor and a council officer.


South Arm Calverton Hall Management Committee

The South Arm Hall Management Committee is an incorporated body which holds a formal lease of the premises from council.  The purpose of the committee is to manage the use of the premises on behalf of the council and to actively encourage diversity in community use of the premises and its facilities. The committee is made up on a president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, five general members and one councillor appointed by council.


Council (Specific Purpose) Special Committees

Audit Panel

The Audit Panel operates under a charter and terms of reference adopted by council.  The Local Government Act 1993 makes it mandatory for all Tasmanian councils to establish and maintain an audit panel.

The primary objective of the Audit Panel is to assist council in the effective conduct of its responsibilities for financial reporting, management of risk, maintaining a reliable system of internal controls and facilitating the organisation’s ethical development.

The panel is made up of two councillors appointed by council and three suitably qualified external independent persons.


Petitions to Amend Hearings Committee

The purpose of this committee is to conduct hearings of the parties involved in petitions to amend sealed plans in accordance with the requirement of the Local Government (Building and Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1993 and to make determinations in respect of those matters on behalf of council.

This committee is made up of three councillors.


Richmond Advisory Committee

This committee was established as part of the transitional arrangements in 1993 for the inclusion of the south ward of the former Richmond municipality into the City of Clarence.

The principal aim of the committee is to foster and develop the wellbeing of the Richmond and local community and to make representation to council.

The committee is made of an appointee from each of the community clubs and organisations, two community members, an elected councillor appointed to the committee by council.