Council Administration

Clarence City Council is structured into work groups.

The primary focus is on asset management, city planning, information services, communication and strategic development, financial management, human resources, health and community development and corporate support.

Ian Nelson
Chief Executive Officer

For more information on the groups see the below or view the Organisational Chart.

CEO’s Office

The General Manager is responsible for the overall management and delivery of Council’s services.

Asset Management Group

The group deals with the management and design of services within the city. This include roads, tracks and trails, recreation facilities including parks and sports fields, waste collection and recycling, stormwater, drainage and natural areas.

City Planning Group

The group deals with city planning including administration of the Clarence Planning Scheme, processing subdivisions and development applications and heritage issues.

Information Services Group

The group consists of two teams.

Service Operations is focussed on providing quality support services to council users and external customers.

Business Development is focussed on working collaboratively with the workgroups and management team to identify and deliver improvements to our business systems, processes and data.

Communication and Strategic Development Group

The group is responsible for city promotion, civic support, communication and consultation, customer contact, reporting and economic development.

Financial Management Group

The role of the Financial Management Group is to raise and collect rates, ensure the Council meets its statutory and regulatory requirements with regards to financial matters. The group also works with the Corporate Support group to ensure risk and governance matters are appropriately managed.  The group also provides oversight and guidance on accounting and finance matters.

Human Resources Group

The group is responsible for the recruitment, development and retention of Council’s workforce. The group seeks to foster a healthy, safe and productive work environment in order to build individual and organisational potential.

Health and Community Development Group

The group deals with both regulatory services (building and plumbing, environmental health, car parking, animal management) and community services (youth, children, community development, arts, events and history).

Corporate Support Group

The group deals with council governance matters such as by-laws, policy making, legal matters, property leases and transactions and risk management.