

The management of parking controls on any council road or the state road with a speed limit below 70Kmph fall within the jurisdiction of council. This may be for timed parking, no parking, no standing, disabled parking, bus zones, taxi zones and loading zones.

Parking is provided to improve amenity for users and to ensure that parking is allocated on the basis of the most sought after spaces being available to the greatest number of users. As demand for parking spaces increases it may be necessary for us to put in place new parking restrictions or timed parking areas.

General parking requirements where there are no parking signs or lines

  • Park parallel, and as close as you can to the kerb or side of the road
  • Park the same way as vehicles going along that side of the road
  • Leave a gap of at least one metre between your car and other vehicles in front or behind you (where there are no parking bays)
  • Parking is prohibited within three metres from the side of your car and double continuous dividing lines, a single continuous dividing line or a median strip
  • Leave at least three metres of the road next to your car clear so traffic can pass when there’s a broken dividing line or no dividing line or strip

On-street parking

The time you can legally occupy an on-street parking space is shown on a parking sign and starts as soon as your vehicle stops in the bay. This standard applies in all Australian states and territories.

Children’s crossings

Stopping your vehicle on or too close to a children’s crossing may mean that a child entering the crossing can’t see or be seen by an approaching car.

When a children’s crossing is in operation (i.e. when the flags are displayed) you must not stop:

  • on a children’s crossing
  • within 20 metres before the crossing
  • within 10 metres after the crossing

Be aware this means that stopping to let a child out or pick a child up within these allowances is an offence under the Road Rules Act.

The School crossing rule only applies when flags are displayed.


Parking your vehicle too close to an intersection endangers other road users by blocking their view of the traffic and restricting other drivers’ turning space.

Under the Traffic Regulation Road Rules 2009, a driver must not stop in an intersection or on a road:

  • Within 20m of an intersection with traffic light or
  • Within 10m of an intersection without traffic lights

Yellow lines

A yellow line at the edge of the pavement indicates that you are not permitted to stop your vehicle for any amount of time, even if you do not leave the vehicle.

Footpaths, bicycle paths

Parking any part of your vehicle on a footpath, bicycle path, or painted island is illegal under both state and national road rules. Doing so blocks movement and causes hazards for people walking, pushing prams or shopping buggies, using mobility scooters or bicycles.

Loading Zones

Loading zones are located at various sites within the city to allow short-term parking for vehicles delivering or picking up goods.

The vehicle, if not a truck, service vehicle or public bus can use a loading zone (maximum time limit 30 minutes, unless otherwise signed) provided its registered owner has permanently displayed the name and street address of the registered operator. It must be permanently displayed by non-magnetic means on its left-hand or right-hand side.

Other Stopping Restrictions under the Traffic Regulation Road Rules 2009

Unless a sign says otherwise, do not park:

  • Within 20 metres before and 10 metres after a bus stop
  • Within 20 metres before and 10 metres after a pedestrian or children’s crossing
  • Within one metre of a fire hydrant, fire hydrant indicator or fireplug indicator
  • On a bridge, causeway or ramp
  • In a slip lane
  • On or across a driveway, even your own (unless you’re picking up or dropping off passengers or goods, but for no more than two minutes)
  • Outside built-up areas on the crest of a hill or on a curve (unless your vehicle can be seen by drivers in both directions from 100 metres away)
  • In a special purpose lane, such as a bicycle or bus lane.


Information on paying a parking fine is available on the back of the infringement notice.

You can learn more about parking and by-laws infringements and penalties by viewing the Local Government (Highways) Act 1982.

For further traffic management enquiries, please contact us on 03 6217 9500.