A series of functional training stations have now been installed at Bellerive Beach, providing an upgraded exercise experience for locals and visitors to the area.

The new stations embody a new concept for outdoor exercise equipment in Clarence and have replaced some of the static exercise equipment previously located in the area.

The new equipment allows users to perform exercises that replicate the movement patterns of daily living and, in turn, improves the user’s ability to do these tasks.

Rather than just working on one pair of muscles at a time in positions that you never do in daily life – such as a seated chest press – users can, for example, perform an incline push up which works the same chest and triceps muscles.

The only difference is that you must hold your core and leg muscles, which is better for you.

Key features of the new equipment include:

  • Easier to use.
  • Allows for more than one exercise per station.
  • Offers a range of compound or whole-body exercises, which are better for general fitness than movements that work one muscle group in isolation.
  • Improved activation of core and other stabilising muscles to improve back strength and stability.
  • Can be used for both strength and endurance training.
  • Great for kids and older adults.
  • Resistance bands can easily be added to the stations to include a wide range of new exercises and stretching activities.
  • Includes soft fall flooring, allowing exercises such as burpees, push ups and sit ups to be performed more comfortably.
  • Sturdier and longer lifespan than older-style machines.
  • Less prone to vandalism.
  • Lower risk of misuse by beginners.
  • Increased safety by removing the pinch points common in lever-type equipment.
  • The layout of the equipment is good for group training sessions.