Council will begin works on pruning two large poplar trees on Bridge Street in Richmond on Thursday 11 April.
Following the loss of a large limb on 26 February 2024 council engaged an arborist to inspect both trees. Using ultrasonic tomography testing, the arborist was able to determine the overall health of the tress and assess any risk to the public.
The report recommended heavy pruning works on both trees to remove damaged or decaying sections and reduce the load on the remaining limbs.
A contractor has been engaged to undertake the work which has been scheduled for 11 Thursday April 2024 (weather permitting).
The arborist’s report notes that both trees are in declining health and recommends the trees are monitored regularly to identify any future risk. The trees will be reinspected in 12 months and monitored on an ongoing basis, with further pruning work likely in coming years.