This year’s theme is Happy Oceans and brings together the most engaging aspects of ocean science with some new sea-inspired activities.

For the first time we have Pushstart VR, a virtual reality ocean adventure featuring the latest in Google Expedition technology. The Hunt for the Ancient Mariner is the new treasure hunt with cryptic clues for parents and simpler ones for the kids.

A special feature is Alchemic Ally which focuses on three areas – Creatures of the Sea and Sky, Water and Wilderness, and Going Down…Islands to Antarctica. Each area has hands on activities and displays for kids to learn about our ocean and its’ living systems. Some of these include an invasive species touch tank, penguin burrowscope, deep sea krill tank and the science of seasickness.

This year’s MC will be Mark Horstman, science communicator and former reporter for ABC’s Catalyst program who said the festival was an opportunity to learn about Tasmania’s sealife.

“We hear lots of concerning things about our oceans, but there is much to celebrate too, and Tasmania’s seas are teeming with unique life that we don’t always get to see,” said Mr Horstman.

“There are many small things that we can do to help our oceans and these will be on display at Seafarers’ Festival, as well as a chance to see some of the amazing creatures and science from around our beautiful island.”

New activities at the Seafarers’ Festival will include the popular ‘Tas Rocks Challenge’ with a craft marquee, where children will be invited to paint their own rocks with ocean themes.

Seafarers’ is also hosting a table top games lounge at Bellerive Yacht Club with the Hobart Gaming Society, as well as favourites including the dress up competition and giant battleships.

A full stage program rounds out the 2017 Seafarers Festival with Bulgine Run, the Australian Navy Band Tasmania and the Bootleg Gin Sluggers accompanying plenty of activities on the water and the best of local food and drink.

The Seafarers’ Festival will be held at Bellerive Boardwalk on Sunday 29 October from 10.30am-4pm.

Information about the full program is available at