These works will be carried out during school holidays to minimise disruption and will begin on 16 April and finish around 6 May, subject to weather conditions.
The works will restore an even surface to the bus lane, particularly next to the kerb.
While the repair works take place, bus stops within the Rosny Bus Mall will be temporarily relocated to the north of Ross Avenue, at the front of Council Offices and KFC.
Traffic lanes for through traffic will remain open; however the bus lanes will be closed off.
A mid-block pedestrian access will be maintained in the bus mall while the works take place.
See map below for more information.
Rosny Bus Mall Repair Works 2018 Map(156 kb)
We apologise for the inconvenience these works will cause to bus patrons, pedestrians, and businesses over this period.
For more information contact Council’s Engineer, Ms Suk Maan Kong on 6217 9731 or