Council has received notice that the Tasmania Fire Service will be undertaking a fuel reduction burn on the Council owned land at 147 Acton Road known as the Roscommon Reserve to reduce bushfire risk in the area.
The TFS has advised, ‘For this location, the most appropriate method to address the bushfire risk is a low intensity fuel reduction burn that will reduce bushfire fuels in the scrub layer and at ground level. This method is effective in reducing bushfire risk and is also less damaging to the environment than manual clearing.’
The fuel reduction burn will be scheduled to occur in either August or November depending on favourable weather conditions and staff availability.
The TFS will advise the community by sending letters to all residents within 100 metres of the area to be burnt, putting up notices around the community and advising of the burn on the TFS website.
The TFS will also discuss the details of the burn with the current leaseholders of Roscommon being the Tasmanian Equestrian Centre and the Hobart Archery Club.
The TFS will advise Council, the Tasmanian Equestrian Centre and the Hobart Archery Club of the exact date of burn two days prior to starting works. This information will be updated on both the TFS website and the Clarence City Council website.