There are a range of facilities to be used in many of our parks and reserves including; play structures, seating, kickabout areas, skate parks and barbecues.

The use of the barbecues is on a first come first served basis and all barbecues are free of charge.

In the interest of hygiene and consideration of others it is requested that barbecues are cleaned after use.

Reserve Activity Plans

A key recommendation in the Clarence Bushland and Coastal Strategy was to develop, implement and periodically review Reserve Activity Plans for all Clarence Bush and Coast Reserves.

As a result, since 2012 Clarence has both developed and partially implemented over 20 Reserve Activity Plans (RAPs), which feature a detailed prioritised works program which can be carried out by either Council staff or recognised volunteer groups.

Every year Council invests significant funding to implement activity programs from the RAPs and also provides grants to Landcare or Coastcare groups to implement activities listed in their local RAP.

The development of RAPs is based around an extensive community consultation program which includes two separate letters with response sheets to all local residents. These letters are advertisements in the local Eastern Shore Sun newspaper and on the Council website as well as an informative Reserve Report Card.

This Consultation program aims to gather the local community’s interests and preferences as a means to not only encourage strong ownership in the development of the RAP, but importantly, foster enthusiasm towards carrying out the implementation of the plans

Iconic Parks Master Plans

See also: