The varied and unique environments across Lutruwita (Tasmania) have been shaped, in accordance with our lore, since the beginning of time; and with archaeology at least 40,000 years of Aboriginal land management practices. Aboriginal people cared for their Country; conducting cultural ceremonies, passing the ancient systems of fire stick farming, cultivation, sustainable hunting practices and seasonal knowledge down from Elders to children. Â
The rich resources of this river headland were expertly managed by the Mumirimina ensuring an abundant and varied supply of plant, animal and marine resources. Â
Middens, deposits of shells, bones, botanical remains and ash from campfires, can reveal important information about food sources and processing, seasonal movements, population and land use patterns. From an Aboriginal perspective this headland is one large living place (midden). The shell deposits that are visible indicate that the harvesting of mussels and oysters was a major attraction of this place.Â
Plant materials were also harvested, including lomandra roots, shoak apples and native cherries. Regular burning maintained open grassland hunting grounds for wallaby. The headland also provided source material to create the tools necessary for survival. Native grasses were woven into baskets for diving and collecting shellfish and much sought-after stone was quarried and processed into sophisticated stone tools here. Â
Mumirimina tunapri milaythina-naraÂ
nara ningina milaythina nayri + rrala paywuta manta
takila Pakana-mana-mapali putiya nayri Mumirimina taymi
waranta kanaplila Mumirimina + tunapri Ningi Manina kani
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