Tenders are invited for the Annual Reseal Program-Spray Seal Re-Surfacing works 2020/21 for various roads in the Clarence municipality.
Tenders are to be submitted in a sealed envelope marked “Confidential” and with the description and tender number T1378-20 clearly marked on the envelope. Tenders will be received at the Council Offices, 38 Bligh Street, Rosny Park Tasmania 7018 until 4.00pm on Wednesday, 25 November 2020.
Tender documents will be available from Monday, 2 November from the Council Offices at 38 Bligh Street, Rosny Park Tasmania 7018 or alternatively, by contacting the officer responsible.
Neither the lowest nor any tender will necessarily be accepted and late tenders or tenders forwarded by e-mail will not be considered.
For further information, please contact James Baker on 0400 791 190 or jbaker@ccc.tas.gov.au.
Ian Nelson