The South Arm Oval Master Plan includes a skate park, play space, outdoor fitness stations, hitting wall and a community market space.
Mayor of Clarence, Alderman Doug Chipman said the adoption of the master plan provides a vision for a much needed recreational space for the South Arm community.
“The South Arm Oval is one of two recreational spaces in the area and this master plan includes a number of new features for residents of all ages to enjoy,” Mayor Chipman said.
A key component of the master plan is the construction of a multi-use skate park requested by local youth and other community members to provide a safe place for young people to skate, scoot and ride. The skate park has been designed by Simon Williams with input from young people and council staff.
Council has committed $150,000 towards the construction of the skate park with a further $50,000 received through an infrastructure grant from the Tasmanian Community Fund.
The adoption of the revised master plan follows consultation in 2015 and then again in 2017, after concerns were raised from some residents relating to the skate park. Council has since addressed many of these concerns with changes to the hours of operation, mitigation of noise, height and location of the skate park. The bollards and track have also been removed following feedback from the community.
“The adoption of the master plan has been a long process; however Council is committed to providing a centrally located space that enhances liveability and also meets the needs of the community,” Mayor Chipman said.
The development of the South Arm Oval will be staged across a number of financial years.
The next step will be to obtain a planning permit for the skate park which will allow for progress towards its construction. Funding for the next stage has been allocated for the construction of the play space, basketball half court, landscaping and community market space. Additional funding will be identified in future annual plans.
A copy of the council report is available at