Roches Beach Canal Dune Construction

Roches Beach has been identified as the most vulnerable site in Tasmania to coastal erosion and inundation.

After a major storm in 2011, Council rebuilt dunes and constructed timber access steps. Council has decided to take a pro-active approach to protect the area and also residents’ property and assets to mitigate against further erosion.

The rebuild of the dune is a recommendation identified in the Tasmanian Coastal Adaptations Pathway Project (TCAP) following extensive community consultation with the Lauderdale community.  Out of TCAP came the need to remove the low points in the dunes.  From this, Council has already done 2 significant projects which have removed low points in the dunes further north using large amounts of sand and revegetation.  These two projects have been successful and protected the properties behind the dunes at those locations.

The final step in removing low points along Roches Beach is the beach access at the end of Lauderdale Canal.  This work will protect the community and assets, along with residents’ properties from the real threat of inundation and erosion from present day storms and in future, more intense storms combined with sea level rise.

If this section was left as is, the next big storm will cause significant damage to properties and it will exacerbate the problem at this section and also the dunes on either side of the low point.


What we aim to achieve?

  • Get the dune to a height to sustain current and future storms. Council has determined that the best option is to have a soft sand structure rather than a hard engineered wall.
  • Pedestrian and wheelchair access will be maintained which will enable people to still access the beach along with small watercraft (kayak, paddleboards, etc).


Alternatives for boat access

Residents with larger water craft can use nearby launching facilities at Dorans Road (8 mins by car), adjacent to Lauderdale Yacht Club, Seven Mile Beach (10 mins by car) and Cremorne (12 mins by car).


Roches Beach Entry Raising Dune and Pedestrian Access Ramp Map

Up to date information on Roches  Beach Access can be found here