Council, in partnership with Healthy Tasmania, identified that a simple toolkit which aims to help organisers ‘think outside the box’ – looking beyond the sausage sizzle – to create more diverse events which are inclusive to more people.

The ‘Planning a Better Event’ toolkit is a guide to help identify, personalise and brainstorm all aspects of planning an event, leading to healthier, more engaging and memorable events in Tasmania. The toolkit is divided into sections – food, the physical environment, sustainability, social inclusion and legalities with each listing a number of items to consider.


The quality of food presented can make a big difference to the success of an event, how it is perceived by event-goers and whether they decide to return to future events. The ‘Planning a Better Event’ toolkit provides a checklist to help planners think about whether food supplied at an event is suitable and desirable.


Sustainability is also covered and is based on the ‘no trash, no trail and no trace’ motto – and how to make more sustainable choices. Transport for event goers is something also to be considered to help include more people from all around the community.


Alderman Heather Chong, Chairperson of Council’s Community Health and Wellbeing  Advisory Committee, said that she hoped by using this toolkit people will be able to contribute to the health and wellbeing of the community by taking events to the next level.


 “The ‘Planning a Better event’ toolkit is about making events more appealing to wider audiences, easier for people to be part of, and ensuring we do less harm to the environment in the process,” she said.


“We want event-goers to have memorable experiences that are fun, safe and by planners considering choices like food offerings and sustainability. The toolkit is designed for people to build on and make their own, with space for notes and to list ideas.”


Council has partnered with Healthy Tasmania to provide the toolkit to other organisations around the State. It is also available to download online.