Three Clarence residents have been recognised by their neighbours for their community spirit, commitment, and genuine care in the Clarence Neighbour of the Year Awards 2024. 

Neighbour Day is an annual event that promote the benefits of social connections and encourages people to make meaningful connections with those around them.  The 2024 Neighbour Day theme is ‘creating and sharing belonging’ and this is the eighth consecutive year Clarence has held the awards in the region.  

Winners, Bonnie and Andrew Tuttle from Howrah were nominated several residents who painted a picture of ‘caring, helpful and generous’ people who were always willing to lend a hand. Bonnie and Andrew built a ‘share stand’ out the front of their home so the community could share surplus produce with those needing an extra hand. They also host regular community events that have fostered community connections and togetherness.  

Cameron Dalgleish from Rosny also won and was recognised for going above and beyond by ‘checking-in’ with his neighbours doing regular wellbeing and welfare checks. Cameron goes out of his way to pop round to provide much appreciated help and moral support to his neighbours.  

Karen and John Sherrin from Howrah were recognised for ‘always having a cup of sugar on hand’, mowing lawns, giving moral support, and for rolling up their sleeves to help their neighbours when emergency situations arise.

There were 16 finalists this year with three winners.