Dr Peta Cook is a Senior Lecturer of Sociology at the School of Social Sciences, College of Arts, Law, and Education, University of Tasmania. She is a sociologist of knowledge, with a specific focus on ageing, medical science, and health and illness. As a researcher and artist, Dr Peta Cook is a specialist in gathering quality information to inform her research.
In light of this, Dr Peta Cook’s exhibition ‘Reclaiming the self: How older people perceive and experience their ageing’ will be shown across a number of community venues in Clarence between the 24 July and 18 August. The exhibition displays photographs that have been taken by older Tasmanians which focus on how they represent their ageing. Each image is accompanied by interview extracts from the person who took the picture.
We are interested in hearing views from people of all ages.
This is your opportunity to have your say on the development of Council’s new Age Friendly City and Community Plan.
This consultation is now closed.