- Waverley Flora Park
- Rosny Hill Reserve
- Pilchers Hill Reserve
- Mortimer Bay Reserve
- Roscommon Reserve
- Rokeby Hills Reserve
- Wiena Reserve
- Strategic burns on road reserves in Gellibrand Drive Road Reserve
There will also be patch and pile burns at Rosny Esplanade Reserve.
The hazard reduction burns will be conducted, subject to suitable weather conditions commencing late September 2018 until May 2019. A letter box drop will be conducted the day prior to the burn for the residents that could be affected.
Residents are advised to take precautions to minimise the effects of smoke by closing all doors and windows and removing clothing from washing lines. It is recommended that people avoid the reserves during the burn for safety reasons.
Council apologises for any inconveniences this work may cause and any concerns relating to this activity can be directed to Mr Pat Marshall, on telephone 03 6217 9762