Council has recently undertaken a review of the structure and operations of its special committees. In developing a new structure we wanted to ensure we did not diminish community input and voice.

Council is now seeking expressions of interest from community members to join our new committees and standing working groups.

Advisory Committees Standing Working Groups
Active Living Advisory Committee

City Development Advisory Committee

Community Wellbeing Advisory Committee

Cultural Creative Advisory Committee

Sustainability Advisory Committee

Bicycle Advisory Working Group

Disability Access and Inclusion Working Group

Tracks and Trails Working Group

LGBTQIA+ Working Group

Positive Aging Working Group

Youth Working Group


Council is looking for community members who are:

  • interested in sharing their ‘lived experience’, knowledge and skills to help council respond to issues and opportunities
  • representative of the diversity of our community
  • a resident or own a business in Clarence, or are a member of a recognised not-for-profit organisation based in Clarence, and
  • nominated representatives of a state government department aligned with a committee or working group function.

For further information, including eligibility criteria, how to nominate for an Advisory Committee, committee constitution and strategy continue reading, or contact Tanya Doubleday on 6217 8691 (Monday to Thursday) or at


Expressions of interest close on Thursday, 27 July 2023. Apply here



Council has recently undertaken a review of the structure and operations of our special committees. The primary aim of this review was to improve the alignment of our committees with council’s key strategies and to increase capacity of committees to impact outcomes at a strategic level. In developing a new structure, we also wanted to ensure we did not diminish community input and voice, and we continued to build community capacity.

Standing working groups have also been established to address specific issues related to the purpose of an advisory committee.

We are looking for:

  • Community members who are interested in sharing their ‘lived experience’, knowledge and skills relevant to a particular committee to help council respond to issues and opportunities.
  • Members who are representative of the diversity of our community.
  • Members who are a resident or own a business in Clarence or are a member of a recognised not-for-profit organisation based in Clarence.
  • Nominated representatives of a state government department aligned with a committee or working group functions.

Why be part of a council advisory committee or working group?

  • To be part of leading change processes in council and your community to improve outcomes for our people and our city.
  • To share and increase your knowledge and skills around a particular subject area.
  • To represent your community and share learnings to build understanding and engagement.

The committees and working group will:

Each Advisory Committee will have a purpose related to an adopted council strategy (refer attached diagram of committee structure).

The City Future and Community Infrastructure strategies are still in development. An initial focus of the City Development Advisory Committee will be to provide input into the development of these two strategies.

The committees and working group will:

  • have input into the development, implementation and review of council’s policies, strategies and initiatives
  • provide an opportunity for members of the community to communicate views to council
  • act as a conduit for stakeholders to have input into the implementation of relevant strategies and plans on behalf of the Clarence community
  • provide input into the annual goals of council, and
  • provide suggestions for initiatives as part of council’s annual budget processes.

Term of Appointment– community representatives

Community committee members will be appointed for up to four years. Community committee members may only serve two consecutive terms.

Frequency of meetings

Meetings will be held at least four times per year.

Committee Working Groups

Committees may establish ‘standing’ and ‘ad hoc’ working groups to address specific issues related to the purpose of the Committee. Working groups will be chaired by a Councillor Representative.

Committee Conduct

Committee members are expected to:

  1. actively participate in committee discussions and offer their opinions and views
  2. treat all persons with respect
  3. act with integrity and act in the best interests of the community, and
  4. avoid conflicts of interest and the releasing of confidential information.

Committee Constitution

Each committee has a constitution which details operations and administrative arrangements.

You may access a copy of the constitution via the below links:

Active Living Advisory Committee constitution 

City Development Advisory Committee constitution

Community Wellbeing Advisory Committee constitution

Cultural Creative Advisory Committee constitution

Sustainability Advisory Committee constitution



Strategy Availability
Active Living

Community Wellbeing

Cultural Creative

Follow the links below.

Active Living

Community Wellbeing

Cultural Creative



Please contact Tanya Doubleday to obtain a copy of the ‘pre-design’ strategy.
City Future

Community Infrastructure

In development. An initial focus on the City Development Committee will be to provide input and feedback on these strategies.



For further information please contact Tanya Doubleday on 6217 9641 (Monday to Thursday) or at