Community Partnership Grants Assessment Panel (Independent Representative)

Council is seeking a pool of independent representatives who are available to be called upon to assist with the assessment of Community Partnership Grants applications.

You will be required to be available mid to late October to attend meetings of approximately 1-2 hours as required to assess applications and make recommendations to put forward to Council for approval.

Council requires a pool of at least 6 representatives of which 3 will be invited to be on the panel for each annual round.

This is an honorary position however out-of-pocket expenses will be met.

If you are interested in participating as an independent representative on the Partnership Grants Assessment Panel, please submit your expression of interest using the attached form, to by 28 July 2019.

Information regarding Partnership Grants can be found on Council’s website

A copy of the Partnership Grants Assessment Panel constitution is available by request to the Grants Officer, Janet Reinkowsky by email at or phone on 6217 9572.