The Dulcot community is now better prepared to tackle future fire threats thanks to the addition of a new emergency water tank on Henry Street.

The installation of the 26,000-litre water tank was a collaborative effort between Clarence City Council, the Dulcot Bushfire Awareness Group (DBAG), Dulcot Water Association (DWA), and the Tasmania Fire Service (TFS).

The $40,000 project, funded by Clarence City Council, saw the installation of the new tank, as well as a vehicle hard stand and improved vehicle access in the event of a fire emergency.

Clarence City Council Mayor Alderman Doug Chipman said the Duclot community faced significant threat in the event of a bushfire due to surrounding bushland, isolated location, lack of reticulated water and limited emergency exit options with only one road in and out.

“When the DBAG approached council with the idea of installing an alternate supply of water via a standing tank, we were only too pleased to offer our support to this potentially lifesaving asset,” he said.

“Council worked with the DBAG and TFS to identify and approve the design of the water tank to ensure it meets the current and future needs of the area in the event of a fire emergency, and it is with great excitement that we see this essential resource finally come to fruition.”

DBAG Convenor Peter McIntosh said the emergency water tank would benefit both the Dulcot community and the TFS by offering a known source of stored water.

“During the critical first hour of response to a fire, having a reliable nearby source of water to refill firefighting trucks could mean the difference between a successful outcome and a disaster,” he said.

“The role Clarence City Council played in sourcing the funding, gaining the crown land lease on which to site the tank, and then facilitating the design and construction of the emergency water point cannot be stressed too strongly.

“All Dulcot residents would join me in thanking council for its assistance in the provision of this vital asset for the area.”

DWA President Stuart Armstrong said the organisation would supply water to the emergency fire tank for initial filling, and then again following any emergency event.

“DWA is very happy to make this contribution to the safety of the Dulcot community in general and we extend our thanks to the volunteers of DBAG for their community spirit and to Clarence City Council for its support, project management and financing of the emergency tank project,” he said.

“The project has been a fine example of a community and local government working together to achieve positive outcomes.”


From left, Dulcot Water Association (DWA) President Stuart Armstrong, Richmond Fire Brigade Member Robert Garrad, Dulcot Bushfire Awareness Group (DBAG) Committee Member Alan Swapp, DBAG Convenor and Richmond Fire Brigade Member Peter McIntosh, Clarence City Council Mayor Alderman Doug Chipman, and DWA Secretary Steven Roden.