The Tasmanian Government has opened a dedicated COVID-19 Vaccination Additional Support Clinic at Blundstone Arena to assist Tasmanians who require additional support through the vaccination process.

The clinic is for people living with disability and/or mental illness, their carers, disability support workers, and people who may have anxiety about medical procedures.

Longer appointment times, additional space and easy-to-read resources will be provided at the clinic which will run until Friday 16 July from 9am-4pm.

A slower-paced Quiet Clinic will be held on 16 July, with the capacity to make adjustments for people who need a lower sensory experience.

The clinic is located at Blundstone Arena, 15 Derwent Street, Bellerive.

To book an appointment people should call the Public Health Hotline on 1800 671 738 and let the operator know they want to book into an ‘Additional Support Clinic’ or ‘Quiet Day clinic’.  Further information is also available at the Tasmanian COVID-19 website: