Tonight, Clarence City Council approved the launch of a long term, large-scale urban planning project which will see community extensively consulted on the future vision for the City Heart.

The Clarence City Heart project – which encompasses the development of a concept plan for the Rosny Golf Course and Charles Hand Park area, as well as the Rosny Park Urban Design Framework and the potential redevelopment or relocation of Council Chambers and offices – aims to bring the Rosny, Kangaroo Bay and Bellerive areas together to develop the Clarence city centre into a thriving and vibrant place to live, work and visit.

Alderman Doug Chipman, Mayor of Clarence, said council hopes to develop a community-supported vision for the City Heart.

“We want to develop an overarching plan for the city centre, with a focus on key developments including public green spaces and cultural activities,” Mayor Chipman said.

“We want to establish a sense of place for the City, expand and diversify the economy of the CBD, as well as create a liveable city for all – a place to relax, spend time, and socialise,” he said.

“It will be important to have a mix of developments that stimulates commerce, education and cultural activities at a human scale, while being conscious to avoid overdeveloping the land.”

“It is council’s hope that the Clarence City Heart concept plan will design facilities, walkable streets and bicycle networks that connect people to public spaces and activities, as well as develop high quality transport systems, ensuring that transport plays an appropriate role within the CBD.”

The concept for the Clarence City Heart will be determined through broad and thorough consultation with the community over the coming months.

“Clarence’s City Heart will ultimately become the product of what the community wants and needs, whilst ensuring our natural environment plays a leading role, as well as conserving and celebrating our cultural heritage,” Mayor Chipman said.

“This is a long-term project but with big possibilities, and we’re determined to get the concept right.

“It is for this reason that numerous steps will be undertaken involving key stakeholders, as well as the wider community, using a variety of methods, including Your Say Clarence online, one-on-one interviews, focus groups and numerous pop-ups in the municipality before a draft concept is put to the broader public.

“We want the community to tell us what they think the future of Clarence looks like, by sharing their ideas and feedback during this consultation period.”

Clarence City Council is encouraging all residents of Clarence – and the broader community – to register for its online consultation platform, Your Say Clarence, at to share feedback and ideas.