Clean Up Australia Day will be held on Sunday 7 March 2022 and is a great opportunity to do something helpful for the environment while connecting with your community.  There is also a Business Clean Up Australia Day on Tuesday 1 March and a School Clean Up Australia Day on Friday 4 March.

Please have a look around your local area for spots that need a little love – tracks, paths, parks, sporting grounds, beaches, bushland and coastal reserves and waterways –and register or join an event.

Clarence City Council is once again registered as a supporting council and can provide assistance to participating groups with rubbish collection and disposal.

To register a clean-up event in Clarence or find a local event, visit the Clean Up Australia Day website at

For information and support for the disposal of rubbish collected as part of Clean Up Australia Day, contact Clarence City Council on 03 6217 9500 or email