The Clarence City Council is continuing to support the community along the COVID-19 pandemic road to recovery.
Council has approved the support for community groups and organisations as a key part of recovery, which will continue to build a resilient community.
The council implemented a three-staged approach in response to the pandemic, which was led by the Clarence Keep Connected Initiative, a five-week community consultation that provided direct feedback to assist in the development of council’s COVID-19 Social Recovery Action Plan.
Recommendations from the initiative included continuing to adapt council services and programs, working in partnership on community-led recovery, rates referral, supporting local businesses and providing responsible council services and resources in the community.
Clarence Mayor Doug Chipman said the resulting COVID-19 Social Recovery Action Plan would continue to support and facilitate the safety, welfare, health and wellbeing of the community during the recovery of the COVID-19 pandemic with short, medium and long-term strategies.
He said it would also ensure the recovery effort for the Clarence community was consistent with the State and Regional Recovery plans.
“Council’s COVID-19 Financial Hardship Policy provided direct support immediately to business and home owners by way of rates relief and early payment of invoices, and this was well received by the community,” he said.
Council also agreed at the meeting held on 9 June 2020 that the Community Grant Program be placed on hold to refocus funds toward the COVID-19 Community Support Package Grants.
“The grants will be available for not-for-profit organisations, community, sport and recreational groups, will be merit based and complement both Australian and State Government assistance packages,” Mayor Chipman said.
Council also approved the funding to develop practical homelessness initiatives within Clarence, working in partnership with relevant not-for-profit organisations, and in accordance with the Clarence City Council COVID-19 Social Recovery Plan.
Details on the COVID-19 Community Support Package Grants will be made available via the Eastern Shore Sun, on council website and on Facebook.